
Safe and Appropriate Content: Jars, plugins, or any other type of malicious files are not allowed. Do not upload or promote indecent, offensive, or inappropriate textures or content.

Originality and Creativity: Try to create original and innovative content for your server mode. Do not copy or plagiarize other participants' ideas.

Collaboration and Feedback: Promote collaboration and mutual help among participants. Provide and accept feedback constructively to improve server modes.

Assistance and Support: Offer assistance and support to other participants, if possible. Ask for help politely if you experience difficulties or problems.

Compliance with Minecraft Guidelines: Make sure your server mode follows official Minecraft guidelines to avoid possible legal issues.

Responsible Sharing: Share your server mode responsibly, ensuring it is stable and free of serious bugs.

Respect for the Organizers' Decisions: Respect the decisions of the organizers of the Astralic project and the sharing platforms.

Ban on Pirated Content: It is strictly prohibited to use or share any type of pirated file or content, including but not limited to software, resources, or assets.

VPS Payment: Payment for the VPS (Virtual Private Server) service is required at least 2 weeks before expiration to ensure the continuity of your server.

Assigned Supervisor: The supervisor assigned to your server will have full control over it, ensuring that rules are respected and tasks are managed appropriately.

Premium File Request: You are allowed to request any form of premium file, but do not insist on purchase or make purchase mandatory for participants.

Sanctions: Violating any rules may result in warnings or exclusion from the Astralic project.

Changes to the Regulations: The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the rules if necessary to ensure a positive experience for all participants.

Last updated